laugh,live and love :D


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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

my life,future plan~

after i think about it,this is my plan for my future:

Luxury Bussiness Suitcase Pictures, Images and Photos
1. i'll try to get 9A on pmr,i'll try my best! if i got the good result i want to go to
asrama penuh,anywhere i don't care...if i din't get what i plan i will keep on staying in that nightmare school(smks7)
2. after i've done my high shcool life,i'm gonna try to go to MMU or Lim kok Wing..
(swasta soo kene gune byk duit,if my mum x mampu-i just go to any universiti that i can get)
3. i'm gonna pick jurusan animation or graphic..gonna try to go studies oversea at japan or korea..then take PHD at korea or japan or anywhere outside my own country(lolz wanna leave here as fast as i could XD)
4. get my DR tittle,work on art,animation or graphic industries at korea or japan..
5. be damn rich and get my mum on vacation around the world :D
my friends future plan?:
era- ?
kp- ?
azma- ?
anis- ?
p/s: kite hanya lah merancang,Allah yg menentukan semua nya... :)
we don't know what future awaits for all of us :D
(owh almost forgot i'm gonna do the unknowns scrapbook and give the copy to all of the unknowns members)