laugh,live and love :D


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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hang tuah hotstuff?

i have a weird conversation with wafa today
it's about imagining "hang tuah" (the awesome tablet)
as a human being.
both of us imagine "him" to be a hotstuff
but i imangine a little bit more..
(imma a pervert)
i imagine to draw on his body lolz!!
then wafa and era give me the face when i told them about what i
god i gotta stop with this horny imagination.
my head gonna go corrupted if it goes on.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

legion of super heroes

i just finish watching legion of super heroes
and it's a special one(wohooo)
you all must be wondering
"you're still watching that?how old are you?!"
i know it's for kids but i just love it!
but my feeling for love on that show has become smaller.

"brainy" is one of my fav character
no it's my only fav character,i think the only reason i watch it
was because of that character.
but on today episode brainy is quitting legion of super heroes
and he will not show up on any other episode anymore...


my cute,smexy brainy is gone!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

long long time

it's been a very very long time since my last update.
i've been busy,i got sick,and my internet got struck by lighting.
"best of things" always happen to me.meeeh....
i'm using the cyber cafe,i hate it! urgh i don't have the time for myself,as time goes by the money got higher.god!!urgh!

soo just some hi and hello.
and i'm starting to watch naruto shippuden,eventhough it's long and have many many episode it's awesome i just can't help it.lolz.