attention to my lovely friends nad,azma,era,aliaa,kp,anis and wafa!
i'm sure all of you are well aware that time are getting shorter,it's already 01 October
and just a few months were gonna be in 2010! all of us gonna be in form 3..
form 3 is well known for the PMR..
so i was thinking to do some study group together starting this Tuesday...
i already get the books and exercise that we can do...i got lots...
anyone of you guys interested to study along please come you're always welcome...
the more people that come the more knowledge we can share.. :)
we can even study together for the final year exam :D
the information in down here:

- date: 6 October
- place: my house
- time: 11am-4 pm
- subjects were studying on: all subjects(if can)
thank you :)
(it would be awesome if all 8 of us are in the top 10 for the final exam)
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