omg it was the most fun i've had this year~!!
aliaa birthday was a BLAST! every unknowns members are having soo much fun!!
i came to her house around 2:30,aliaa greet me to come inside
the first person i saw is mak cik azma :D lolz
then one by one the unknowns members came..from kp to era
the last person was nad and anis..they are late!

then aliaa invite us to eat,omg big mac sodaaaap!
there are alot of food...omg aliaa thx sgt!!
kenyang perut masing2 smpai buncit hahaha...
ade macaroni,caramel,fruity cake~!
aliaa was soo concern about others,because she know i don't like chocolate cake
she tells her father to buy any cake that dosen't have any chocolate in it..
aww aliaa thank you~!
they were playing with the icing after we eat the cake..
cam pondan siam jer aku tgk hahaha!
after dat,water balloon!!
hahah best giler!
then we eat again,but kp have to go home early soo she was not there
when it's time to open the presents...
kp present make all of us teary lolz
azma and me also got present from her,even though our birthday already
pass months ago..thx kp *hug!*
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