visit my online boutique~!
Monday, August 31, 2009
my sis going to japan?!!
Posted by Ilisyairah at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
drawing 'kucing rempit?"
haha whats with the title lol..
Posted by Ilisyairah at 5:36 PM 0 comments
kibum joining suju back?!
Posted by Ilisyairah at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
i wish to dream of suju~!
lately all of my dream are nightmares!!!
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friends 4 eva?
when i read kp's blog on the "my friend in the future~"(
it kinda make me think for a while..
yeah lately alot of people don't actually trust the sentences
'best friends 4 eva'
sometimes even i think that..
cuz when i'm in primary school i have lot's! of best friends
and the best friend i've had decreased by the only
best friend that are still in contact with me are less then 3 people...
now when i think about it where did the other best friends goes?
-some still gonna be your friend but just normal friend
-some are gonna forget you..
-some are gonna be your biggest enemy...(this one i fear the most)
i don't want any of this bad things gonna happen to me and my girls
in the future! especialy the 3rd one!
so to my current bestfriends
i want all of us to be or at least try and show to the people
that the thing called bestfriends for ever do exist!
ok that's all for the emotional part lets go to the fun part!
knowing my best friends!
- she been my best friend since kindergarden! she very cute,sweet and well manared?
- her voice is soo cute! even though she looks innocent she actually a perv lolz..
- she already know me for about 9 years! and still a long way to go~!
- she now studying at SAAS~
- she is a genius! in primary school she help me alot on homework and teaching me english!
- she gave me alot of supports! talks alot too haha!
- she now studying at asrama penuh!
- she already knows me about 5 years! along way to go~!
- she is a full time perv,a dork haha..very smart!
- she always makes me laugh! make my day full of happyness and pervertness lolz
- she now studying at asrama too!
- she already knows me about 5 years!
i miss you guys love you always~!
- she an pervert geezer lolz,at first we actualy don't like each other but she have been closer with me when we enter high school!
- smart ass,damn you kp haha..always seem the toughest but actually she is very sensitive!
- she now my classmate and in the unknowns group :D
- she already know me for about 5 years! (after 3 years then we become best friends)
- she a genius,crazy girl,support me alot and very active lolz~!
- she got black belt in taekwondo seem sweet and kind but actualy crazy! lolz
- she now my classmate and in the unknowns group :D
- she already know me for 4 years ! (we become best friend after 2 years)
- she is the most sweetest thing i've ever seen~lolz smart,tough and crazy!!
- she also in the same category as aliaa seem sweet,cute and harmless but she damn dangerous! loves to hug people randomly lolz..
- she now my classmate and in the unknwons group :D
- she already know me for 3 years! a long long way to go~!hehe~
- She a genius maniac~!!! weird and damn funny lolz~ very pretty~!
- make our everyday from boring,dull to FUN~! she awesome~!!!
- she now my classmate and in the unknowns group :D
- she already know me about 2 years! haha a much more long long way to go~!
- she so sweet and awesome~ smart,cute and kind!
- she always support us no matter what~! always have an open shoulder to cry on!
- she now my classmate and in the unknowns group :D
- she already know me about 2 years! same goes,a much more long long way to go~!
- she cool,sensitive and a smart ass..damn you anis hahaha
- she always study hard and trying for the best! a motherly kind haha!
- she now my classmate and in the unknowns group :D
- she already know me about 2 years! also same,a much more long long way to go~!
the most importaant thing in friendship is trust each other always gives support for each other :)
Posted by Ilisyairah at 4:13 PM 0 comments
it's you english version?
Posted by Ilisyairah at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
suju why i like you lyrics
Posted by Ilisyairah at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
nad,era,azma,kp,aliaa and anis
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
wei unknowns tgk nie suju video!
tgk wei,aunty nie comel gielr..dier gie suju dorm...untuk tgk2
tgk ler dari part 1-9 (kibum sorang jer yg xde T.T kibum~
owh ngan heechul pun xde haha...diorg semua sgt choomel!!!!
Posted by Ilisyairah at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
aliaa burfday party~!

Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
ili to wafa
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:40 PM 0 comments
OMG ALIAA YOU'RE OLD!haha..(x sedar diri plak aku nie) may Allah bless you~!
- love you always~! Besties4 eva~!
- have a wonderful birthday~!
- i wish you to stay healthy and happy always! :D
- aliaa pls don't become an old perv..LOLZ xde kene mengene..
- be yourself ,love what you are and never forget this nenek pls haaha
<3>ilisyairah nenek hawt meletop..
Posted by Ilisyairah at 6:35 PM 0 comments
nad kejaaaaaaaam!!!
nad ngan anis saje jer nak kene kan aku!
xpe korang...
ok smbg cite kt skola..aku gie kelas arab last minute
dlm kelas sikit giler org! 10 org jer dari 30 org...
pastu dah habis kelas arab gie kantin ngan sarah,mira and haziqah
dieorg gie bli makanan tibe2 wafa dtg..baru dtg(die x gie kls arab)
borak2 sket...
" wei ili kau gie kelas arab ker?"
"ala last minute jer,apsal kau x gie hah?"
*gelak jer*
"aku nk makan ler.."
*wafa pegi beli*
kelibat org yg aku cm!
azma! :D
yay die dtg!! both of us excited giler cam dah lame gile x jumpe
melompat-lompat si azma bile nmpk aku haha...
"iliiiii!! kau dtg!! rindu giler kau!!"
*sambil melompat-lompat*
"azmaaa!! aku rinduuu sgt kat kauuu!!!"
*melompat gak*
aku: "wei azma hari nie aliaa ngan kp xdtg en?"
azma: "haah,era ngan nad kate diorg dtg hari nie"
aku: "owh,ok..rindu plak kt diorg"
azma: *hyper plak* "wei rindu sgt kat kau!"
aku: *gelak jer* "aku pown! apsal kau hyper plak hari nie?haha"
(soo kitorg pun tunggu ler diorg kt dlm kelas)
sambil jerit "WE WANT ERA!'
time era dtg,azma excited giler haha
aku kat dlm kelas tgh duduk..tunggu era..
era masok kelas jer terus aku lari kat die pelok hahah..
seriously rindu giler kat SEMUA UNKNOWNS..
kat skola byk borak arr gak sbb boleh thn lame x jumpe haha
time balek aku ngan era gi subahan beli air..
era belanje aku air thx era~!:D
(birthday aliaa x sabar nyer!!! mesti best esok!)
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
old comics~! XD
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
hari nie aq x gie skola..mak aku pun kate x yah sbb H1N1 tuh bahaye doe,soo skang aq tgh lukis komik sambil tgk mysoju and maen game...
era deman,aq baru tau...
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:57 PM 0 comments
hari nie busan giler
pegi skola kp ngan era x dtg...
aq,nad,azma,aliaa ngan anis dtg... sunyi gak xde kp ngan era...
kalau salah seorg unknowns member xdtg rase cam x complete ngan skola jadi busan..
bagi aku laa...
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
unknowns fun day!
today the unknowns make some fun activities...we take pictures,bake some bread,cook,gossips and have more fun! for 9:55 aliaa came to my house both of us gonna go to
nad house for the activites~!
go to
aq mls nk tulis pepanjang,aq cume nk letak gamba je...
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
stupid drama?
(i know busan riteZ?)
Posted by Ilisyairah at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
yippe~! exam are done~!
Posted by Ilisyairah at 7:57 PM 0 comments