today i got a call from dhamira
my best friend.
she said that din have make some plan for us
to go out together,at extreme park seksyen 13...
he invite alot of people...
when i get there around 10:30..
ther are only jannah,dhamira and din..
the others can't come...
amirul his mom don't give the permission to go out
while haziq have to take care of his little bro..
and alot of things...
we eat there for a while (me and din)
Din offers to pay for my food..
(rezeki jgn ditolak)
we sit there for a while
chit chat about some things,gossiping..
then it's time we're getting bored..
at first we're planing to go to
sunway to play bowling,watch movie and some other random stuff..
but it's a little to expensive to ride a cab and we dosen't have our
parents permission yet..soo we decide to go to shah alam mall..
Din call a cab,we go to shah alam mall...
we eat first when we get there...(again..=.=)
we eat something like pancake but have like
beef,paparoni,chiken inside them...
soo yummy and full!
then Din ask for srawberry pancake we all shared
together ..the pancake have a heart shape :D
then we go play PS2 at this one store...
at first i din't play cause i'm lazy...
then i play guitar hero with jj and dhami...
din keep saying that game is for stupid people only...
and that makes me mad soo i challange him
for a match...
and guess what...i win..gyahahahahah!
suddenly nazri call he said he want to join us...
soo he came right after we finish playing...
the price is really expensive 1 hour RM10!
din have to pay RM15 while i have to pay Rm10...
damn you expensive games store!
then we go eat again...(DIN idea's =.=)
Din buy some tokayaki...
he,dhami and me shared the tenpayaki...
we talk a little,walk around to see some things...
around 3:30 we go solat at shah alam mall surau..
after that we go to mcd to eat (AGAIN! =.=)
all of us are like 10 years haven't eat or something..
cause all we do is eat,eat,eat and eat...
all Din idea's...lolz...
we chat and gossiping...
talk about our time in elementary school..
it is soo funny....
din and jannah are soo funny XD
dhamira talk really fast like always
and nazri is really cool :)
we sit there for 1 hour and just chit chatting the
whole time....
then i gtg to the toilet...
a tragedy happen!
jeng jeng jeng...
after i finish doing my bussines
i wear my pants and suddenly somebody open the
door,it's one of the mcd workers...
i was like "oh shit..."
thank good i already wear my pant...
the worker was like..
"oh sorry..."
then she closed the door...
what happen to the lock?!
it's damn broken...
i go out with very shame face...
the worker only smile to me...
i tell the others what happen...
all of them was like,omg..and then laugh at me...
aish....then all of us go home around 6:15...